Abruzzo earthquake Dearest, Dearest,
the tragedy of the earthquake in Abruzzo challenges each and every one to do everything possible to bring aid and comfort to the people so badly affected. In this respect I inform you that the PD has enabled the Department Organization a coordination unit to direct, through the Civil Defense and the departments concerned, concrete help.
The structure is coordinated by Donald Mosel Ettore Rosato and Federica Mogherini.
The initiatives are currently two: the recruitment of volunteers with specific skills (doctors, nurses, electricians, plumbers, cooks, carpenters, psychologists, computer scientists, amateurs, etc..) That will be made available to strengthen the Civil Defence teams assistance who are about to reach the places affected by the earthquake, and preparation of field kitchens.
While I can confirm that the Organization's offices are at your disposal for any information that you feel is useful, we must point out that the volunteers can join by sending the form attached to volontari.abruzzo @ partitodemocratico.it or by fax 06.69532465. For more information, You can contact the number 848,888,800.
'm sure you activate the best as possible to spread the initiative.
a cordial greeting.
Maurizio Migliavacca
Responsible Organization
This is one that comes to us from the national level and that it seemed right to communicate at all. We believe it is extremely important that anyone can try to lend a hand in this tragic situation.
find the form to join as volunteers here
GD Trieste