presentation of the candidates "under 30" for municipal Dolina The Young Democrats of Trieste, the list PRC-SE-EL SKP - PDCI-SIK and the youth group Slovenska skupnost of Trieste "Mladi za Mlade" present their candidates "under 30" who compete in local elections the City of San Dorligo della Valle (TS) Friday, June 5 at 18.00 in the main square of the Bagnoli Rosandra. Candidates will have the opportunity to present its vision for the future of the City of San Dorligo Valley and their election programs. The event is presented by the provincial coordinators of these three movements: Matej Iscra for Young Democrats, Deputy Secretary Igor Martini Club PRC-SE SKP-El of the City of San Dorligo della Valle - Dolina and Tanja Peric for "Mladi za Mlade" .
Candidates will be present: Dajana Kocev (born 08/01/1982) and Erik Kuret (born 07/12/1981) in the Young Democrats; Spetič Katja (born 22/08/1984) and Igor Ota ( born on 05.16.1979) to the list PRC-SE/SKP-EL; Karis Marko (born 05/02/1980), Luka Kocjančič (born 07/30/1982), Nada Petaros (born 27 / 10/1983) and Patrick Curman (born on 12/05/1979) for "Mladi za Mlade.
Ample space will be given to questions and suggestions from the public.