Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jak Sciagnac Darmowa Gre Atak Na Berlin


Then for the first time we realized that our language lacks words to express quest'offesa, the demolition of a man. In a moment, with almost prophetic intuition, the reality was revealed to us: we arrived at the bottom. Further down so you can not go: there is no more miserable human condition, and it is unthinkable. Nothing is ours: we have removed the clothes, the shoes, the hair, if you talk, not listen to us, and if we listen, we do not understand. We take away the name, and if we want to keep it, we find in ourselves the strength to do so, to make sure that behind the name, something more of us, of us as we were, remain.

The most beautiful words I have heard of Moni Ovadia that last night on RaiTre, claimed to be very careful of those who think they can wash the soul remembering the Jews ... then behave like the Nazis against the new outcasts of this time.
Primo Levi was not talking about Jews, but of men. Directory. People
canceled and can not be recognized as such because they were Jews, gypsies, gay or opponents.


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