Monday, July 14, 2003

Can Germs Live On Chapstick?


The force of gravity holds the physical world we know, but the same force is responsible for ongoing disasters in this world.
Just think of what may combine the famous "hole blacks", and much more in small asteroids.
The Earth has been saved so far mainly by the attraction of Jupiter himself has conveyed to the larger asteroids that could hit and destroy it, but sooner or later a large asteroid could miss the attraction of Jupiter and send in spare our poor planet.
Perhaps this tragic event may be preceded by a shower of small asteroids, still able to reduce to ashes entire regions on Earth.
the current state of knowledge, it is unknown if and when all that 'might happen, but the statistical data tells us that as of now everything' happens, a few years or a few centuries or millennia, but it will happen.
And then, what can we do to defend the survival of humanity?
In fact we are already trying to find out if we can live somewhere nearby planet, eg Mars, but it is still doing nothing to organize the transfer human on the planet chosen.
yet for this recipe it will take a very long time and much use of resources, however much you can say with certainty we're pretty darn late.
E 'by calculating how many ships will be needed to "ferry" on a new "home" all human beings and all inventory and equipment of all kinds needed to organize their survival and starting a new life.
Since, in the future, it will be logically impossible to be able to transfer the entire world population in a reasonable time, you will need to solve the huge problem of who can be "steered" and thus probably saved.
It will first of all an ethical issue, since, although all human beings have the right to life, only a small part of them might be guaranteed according to specific orders of precedence.
Then it will be a very serious problem of public policy because, on the eve of a foreseeable disaster, everyone will want to be the first to leave Earth, and are willing to do anything to succeed.
It will be clear arrangements to ensure at least the selected ones to be saved, unfortunately sacrificing all the others.
will be extremely sad and painful to have to use force to impose this inescapable reality, but there are alternatives.
is why it is essential to begin now to prepare for what will be the largest company of its kind human: his own survival.
We, therefore, the best guess and say that you have found the planet where you can go and that is also able to build
"shuttles" spatial ability to carry a certain number of people and everything necessary for their survival indefinitely.
Now imagine that the impact of hazardous asteroids with the Earth is still quite unpredictable and, therefore, that the people willing to move to the new planet, perhaps to test, are only of the brave volunteers of the wealthy or extravagant.
There are therefore problems of choice or priority in the allocation of places available.
let us assume that the first missions are successful and reach the certainty of living in the new "world."
Now imagine that you start to become real and close to the danger of falling to Earth of large asteroids capable of destroying it in part or completely. All
then take leave and leave for another planet, but of course the few places in the shuttles will be available in very limited compared to the ferocious battles erupt and requests to make sure those few places, with the result that no logic can leave.
This will be the main problem that we will be able to resolve well in advance because, by its resolution will require many and the works and equipment to make highly recommended to start from now.
First need to build on the highest mountains, the fortified town, accessible only from the sky, completely self-sufficient and independent from the rest of the world and where the spacecraft will be set-ferry. The latter should be able to take off and riatterrare by and in the same towns.
military defenses of these towns will be absolutely unbeatable and the far more powerful than any other ground forces and should be able to destroy any attacker, without suffering any damage.
They will then be laid down very strict and clear conditions to be allowed to live and work in these towns and, consequently, automatically, after adequate preparation, the right to embark on the "shuttle", and everything 'when such a request was still modest.
These ships must be built so they can start moving only when they are loaded exactly all the chosen people, the voice also boarding controlled, planned and scheduled well in advance for several trips, and their second, fourth, sixth and so 'way, starting is only possible to Earth in order to avoid to be detained on the planet colonized.
The limited number of inhabitants in each town, their awareness of the impossibility of embarking ahead of schedule and their interest to bring back the "shuttle" as soon as possible, to avoid stupid and unsuccessful battles for the few seats available on every departure.
The spacecraft will then be able, even without a crew, to be given exactly the point of departure, so in anticipation of the danger of destroying the Earth itself was subject, it is predictable that any team would be willing to return. Let us now
the hypothesis that many towns and many "shuttles" to be built and that many trips have been made successfully.
The bulk of the world population but will be 'always on Earth and will try in every way to be accepted in the towns and then in the "shuttle".
defenses deter and prevent any military assault on the citadel, but it will even be able to help gradually to all, until the disaster will not happen, to start.
Computer science, pervasive everywhere, can provide the solution to this problem.
Leaders of towns will always have to democratically determine what will be their successors after their departure, but must also organize the continuous rotation of all the inhabitants of the towns themselves.
They will therefore have all the data of every citizen of the external area of \u200b\u200btheir competence and should be able to communicate with it in an absolutely safe, confidential and unique, that is immune from any interception.
Whenever that will be available places in towns, citizens will be invited in to enjoy all the requirements of the above.
They will be told to board a flight for any airline and will be done so that all the passengers on that flight, are the chosen ones.
Once airborne, the plane will be intercepted by military aircraft of the citadel, which has summoned the passengers, and forced to land in the same.
Passengers will be checked and disembarked while the crew and any abuse will be forced to return to their base with the same aircraft.
This will ensure, as long as possible, the continuous renewal of the inhabitants of towns and passengers of ships.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Leadership Limit On Mount And Blade


A good government should be able to take into account the suggestions and proposals from the citizens it rules.
Now that the Internet has become so 'widespread and so' easy and immediate access, "hear" the opinion of voters on the Web has become extremely important and fruitful.
It is therefore very timely and in tune with the times that the Government had an office with Internet Monitoring functions, that is specifically responsible to find everything on the Net 'which will be valid and useful for good governance.
Who knows how many sites contain some interesting and well used!
For example, modestly, in the small area of \u200b\u200bthis weblog are published periodically are some ideas and observations that are then collected on this site:

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Wednesday, July 9, 2003

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It is not possibileee!
It can not be more than government crisis and elections: they are a real calamity, a huge waste of money, time, occasions, civil progress.
should be prohibited by law and, in a crisis, forcing the prime minister in office to allocate the ministries to the various political groupings in mathematical proportion to the votes the last election, the opposition forces by reserving at least 40% of the Ministries more important. The coalition
emergency thus obtained would, indeed, heterogeneous, but certainly always preferable to an early termination of the Legislature.
also the prospect for the majority in crisis having to be forced to share power with the minority and have to agree with it in the government of the country, could well contribute to scatter his perpetual tendency to repeat this national disgrace for every term.
Perhaps our own politicians, the real "tourists" interested in democracy, they could gradually learn to be more serious, more responsible, more cooperative and loyal, especially to have more character and a sense of the state, with lower doses of presumption and a mania for protagonismo.f = "">

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Friday, July 4, 2003

Color Meaning Of Shag Bands

While we need manpower not available at home, well, cerchiamola between the children and grandchildren of our countrymen who emigrated, or need for nostalgia, would be happy to return
The idea was launched some time ago, but apparently has not been followed.
yet, especially from the Americas, many who would want to return, if not exactly in their village, at least to their country.
give them this opportunity, it is not only a moral duty, but would also constitute a considerable economic benefit and social view of similarities in ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious, civic, professional or trade.
Certainly it would be necessary that our Foreign Ministry to enable all our embassies and our Consulates in order to properly inform our fellow citizens and give them every support and warranty.
Based on the requests and needs of industrialists and entrepreneurs, we should make available to interested precise lists of jobs available for each city, with details of experience required and economic conditions, social security and logistics offerings.
Once that was collected a sufficient number of applications, the Consulate would invite employers to travel to the same console to make selections, draw up contracts and hand over the tickets.
Thus, the return of the descendants of our countrymen could be perfectly organized and perfectly in tune with the actual reception capacity of the country.
addition to their full integration and easier than can the other non-EU, it would avoid the risk of abandonment after a few years, with the consequent need to repeat the costly die language of training and work.
Another important advantage resulting from their choice over other candidates, would be to avoid the risk of ethnic and racial conflict.
advantage that this should alone convince our leaders to act upon such an immediate immigration policy.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Waffles Recipe With Hotdog

certify politicians

When we are called to elect our directors and our national parliaments and EU, we have too often only superficial information about them, especially unreliable and biased.
This means that our choices are not nearly as good as possible and never any disappointments are far more numerous than satisfaction.
In general this translates into mediocre or bad administrators, government officials and parliamentarians, with the loss to the country and the European Community that is easy to imagine.
Today the Internet is sufficiently widespread in all regions, it would be possible to offer simple and inexpensive, the majority of voters, an immediate, easy, complete and reliable information on all candidates at every level.
Just open for each Region, a public and official website, set up and managed by the Guardia di Finanza, where every candidate for public office or any polling station should be required to register by paying an annual fee.
Each candidate should provide their own recent photograph (to be renewed every three years), your curriculum vitae and complete with all necessary documentation to substantiate, including all its political path, the link to the site of deployment of its membership and one for your own private site and, of course, any office or seat which, in turn, was the candidate.
precise definition should be used to specify all their income tax and their origin, as well as its own unique model of each fiscal year, the first entry in then confirmed by the Guardia di Finanza which should be responsible to investigate and verify all data provided by political.
After all this information, should be two special sections: one for the records of third parties in favor of political and other messages down to the same policy.
All reports should be well documented, proven and obviously accompanied by all the data of the device.
Each report should be numbered consecutively and filed, but only the last ten should be left immediately visible to the public.
For each report, the politician should have the right to respond with a maximum of twice the space than that accorded to the signal, but not less than ten lines.
The politician / candidate is not satisfied for any claims or entries concerning him, should be able to file a complaint justified and, if not fully satisfied within 30 days, should of course be available for the TAR with the right, if he had accepted his application, also to compensation for any damages of any kind and - at his request - the publication of the sentence.
Conversely, in the event of rejection of his application, as well the payment of all charges, he should be obliged to accept it to be published in the ruling against him.
Each candidate / politician who wanted to illustrate his political thinking, its proposals and initiatives, programs and statements of its deployment, may only do so in his private site or that of his deployment, in full independence and freedom.
Each regional site should include only people from that region and / or acting in the same, should also give way to trace both the full name by which political party they belong to.
should then be operating a national site that would group, in alphabetical order, all the characters, along with which had shown the only link to the respective region. At the same site should be included then a lot of alphabetical lists for those who were the political spectrum, and next to each name should be clear links to the regional site.
All sites should be updated under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior.

Friday, June 20, 2003

Crazy Gril And High Heel

Clubs and road accidents

If we really wanted to avoid possible traffic accidents caused by young people leaving discos, there is only one valid system: to empower the operators of the premises.
This would establish the principle that the operator of a nightclub that left exit from your local physical conditions in a person can not drive any vehicle, even if the same had not have said, would be held accountable, criminally and civilly, for any accidents or damage to property and persons caused by that customer within six hours after its exit from the room itself.
At the same time, enabling the operator to dance halls to be able to organize in order to avoid being involved in such accidents, should be authorized to take appropriate preventive measures, but which 'should also be required.
Such measures could be for example
- recinsione and key lock of his own parking space, if any, with vigilant allowing the device to transport drivers are found fit to specific examinations made by them.
Collect the keys of the vehicles would not help because it would be too easy to obtain multiple copies of themselves.
- application of special shoes bloccautomezzi not closed to all vehicles in parking lots and their liberation only after the above checks;
- access to local forbidden to all the customers more than three times the positive results of previous inspections and their report for Police ;
- abolishing the local sounds of loud, psychedelic lights, and the prohibition of smoking.
The operator fails to take these measures, should be severely fined, even if it was not yet been sued for accidents caused by its customers.
A law stipulating this, surely soon be able to drastically reduce road accidents.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

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N. 95 - Auto blockade

With the measures adopted today, the Navy and the Financial Police will be able to drastically reduce the illegal invasion from the sea?
Probably not and certainly not enough, despite the great expense of men and means, unless you act very harshly and decisively.
But this is not possible for a civilized country that should protect human life at sea. The only
then that solution could be to use a number of support ships, incrocianti the routes followed by "smugglers", on which the units of the Navy should be transhipped all illegal immigrants intercepted.
These ships support might be provided by old merchant ships, refurbished and upgraded as needed.
The same should be also equipped with a flight deck and two or three large transport helicopters for the Navy.
With these aircraft, all illegal immigrants should be repatriated to their countries of origin, identified with the help of these smugglers were arrested and "pressed" for the purpose.
This system could eventually prevent at least the vast majority of illegal immigrants entering our territorial waters and accelerate at the same time, the return at significantly lower costs than currently.
support vessels may, from time to time, to meet the ships that were intercepted and the immigrants could also help, even with their helicopters, their sighting.
course, in the case of very adverse weather conditions, also support such ships could temporarily move away from the areas most exposed to sea.
The ships used to transport illegal immigrants should be seized, destroyed or recovered and acquired by the state, while their crews would serve a few years forced labor, unpaid, each member of which as a hub, on board the support ships, merchant, and then armed militarized but also with military equipment.

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We encourage the environmental cleanup

Despite all the so-called "progress" calendar, it seems that it is more valid than ever and the assumption that life is essential and irreplaceable combination of "carrot" and " stick "to obtain and maintain appropriate behavior among the population, belong to any country.
If we examine for example the state of cleanliness, order, respect and protect the environment, works of art, monuments and palaces, we can easily realize how the best results are obtained where it is always systematically implemented and enforced that principle: security, rewards and sanctions.
man short, at all latitudes and all longitudes, is not able to discipline themselves and behave, individually and long-term, in a civil manner: always has great need of the iron fist in a velvet glove, just like we used to say about females.
Wanting to try to draw up some proposals, limited to the aspects of environmental protection, one might begin by saying that it is necessary to encourage and empower at the same time and in excess of that currently in force, all citizens. Specifically
may be given a good deduction on municipal taxes (ICI) to all those who help to keep clean and tidy their area of \u200b\u200bresidence, and should be heavily fined all those against whom there was evidence that he soiled , damaged or failed due and duties relating to the environment.
Each neighborhood or village, the municipalities should allocate one day of the month when checks capillaries, which had enabled all employees, primarily of course the local police.
Every reality of dirt, damage, neglect, disorder, should be precisely documented by color photographs on which they appear highlight the date, time and exact location.
Prior to the payment of local taxes, any citizen could go to town and see how many photographs are taken in the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, in practice, in the hundred meters of road riding in your home.
If the pictures taken during the previous year were less than 5, he should be entitled to receive the written approval to reduce its taxes to the extent provided.
Thus all the inhabitants would have a substantial direct interest in keeping their area clean and at the same time, to ensure that no alien to the same area can become dirty or damaged. Of course the police or
police of the district should be constantly vigilant and prevent any dirt and damage, severely punishing all offenders.
For best results, it is logically imperative that the controls and sanctions were tightened and strict, as they were consistent and timely tax deductions for premiums in all virtuous citizens.
Equally obvious is that in the early days were detected more serious offenses and harmful, and gradually the awareness among citizens and the general situation will improve, you may also pay attention to minor offenses and minor, such as the keeping of plants, flowers and lawns.
However, with respect to the non-urban areas and however far beyond 50/100 meters by the towns, the municipalities will be to be put under control by the provinces and regions.
these controllers will have to document government violations twice, after 15 days of each other, and always a surprise.
The municipalities in the previous year have made more than four violations, confirmed by the second photograph will be reduced by contributions and grants, while they increased in those who have made less than 4.
also for the municipalities, we must give first priority to major flaws, then you will have to go to the less showy and details, like for example a hedge is not trimmed or a hole in the road not covered.

Lighten Moles With Lemons?

Comedy and vulgarity

These two categories of human behavior are born to be and remain separate and distinct from each other, and instead came to be so intertwined now that the comedy is almost totally submerged in vulgarity, obscenity, vulgarity, blasphemy, bad taste, squalor.
The phenomenon has spread to the point, which is tolerated and approved more and more, even in places where before it was completely banned, as happens in some radio and television channels, including state. Even in the Code
we wanted to give a semblance of legality to the forfeiture, inventing the "common sense of decency" changing and updated at will.
This deterioration of the costume is particularly significant, not only and not so much about the quality of so-called intellectual and professional comedians, but also to society in general - as always - when she is abandoned to his baser instincts, to demagogy, laziness , neglect, disinterest, runs very quickly downhill to the intellectual quagmire of mediocrity.
so happens that end up wallowing in the puddle also practitioners of culture, communication, science,
Law: it seems that we are all competing to see who is more casual use and in abuse of swearing, as if this was the banner of intellectual freedom, progress and democracy.
is no longer enough to cripple the grammar, forget the richness of their language to show off xenophilia lexical pose to anarchists of language must also be open-minded coprophagous verbal and scriptural.
audiences applaud on command, for a fee, in unison, and the success and fame are assured to all, even the illiterate that fill our screens all day, overpaid as exceptional professionals.
And, as often happens, the weed smothers and drives out the good grass and it is increasingly difficult take root and grow to a total lack of living space.
So how in the world of celluloid are created out of nothing and nothing of the international celebrities, so the small screen in the world you create, with mediocre and very common elements, characters and irreplaceable always present.
What do you expect to change the register, roads and objectives?

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

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Costochondritis Anorexia

Referendum threshold quorum

It now seems clear that we need to alter the rules of the referendum.
First you must establish a threshold of valid signatures required is such that, firstly, to ensure that even small movements of opinion to be able to organize to demand a referendum, and, secondly, that a threshold is able to avoid unnecessary expensive and unrealistic ambition of factions frantic.
Such a compromise is not easy to find simply by establishing a number rather than a more valid signatures.
Much more logical is to ensure that the signatures collected are truly representative, on a national scale, some application or need.
To this end, we could establish that the signatures should be collected in all regions of the country and must reach a certain threshold in most regions.
In this way one could be sure that the question be proposed to be truly known and shared by at least a proportion of the population.
The other aspect is that the quorum of the votes, or rather, the valid responses obtained. Surely
here as well as for the election, the quorum should never be raised by 80% the percentage of claimants in order to ensure that the decision resulted from the referendum itself has been taken, which goes wrong, at least 40% right holders, or by a majority plus one of them.
Knowing in advance that the quorum will be so 'high, will cause people to think twice before affixing his signature to make sure that the referendum is held.
And once the overall threshold for admission to the polls, all citizens, being mindful of the quorum, they will go to vote en masse, whether they belong to the favorable to the contrary.
With favorable, the complaint is easy to understand: the desire that the purpose of the referendum to take effect.
To the contrary, the reason, almost as exciting, is that the desired effect is removed from the referendum itself.
indifferent Only then, will refrain from attending the polls, but these should be a small minority, if the regional thresholds have been exceeded, because the same would have to demonstrate, with sufficient accuracy, the real interest for the proposed question.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

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Elections and absenteeism

Nor is it acceptable that less than 30% of eligible voters to decide, reaching the relative majority, who should administer and govern the entire population.
E 'absolutely necessary to amend the election laws, setting a very high quorum, at least 80% of those entitled to vote, showing that the vote valid.
If the quorum is not reached, the vote should be declared null and should be automatically elected candidates "independent" (ie not belonging to either the deployment of the "Majority" or to that of the 'Opposition ") most voted.
course, the electoral lists, to be held valid, should provide a sufficient number of candidates "independent" and to that end, both the majority and the Opposition, should ensure their chosen include where there were not enough.
With these reforms, there should be a high voter turnout, such that the very least, to decide the fate of the country is at least 40% of those eligible, as all those who were satisfied with the conduct of the "what" public , would have an interest to confirm the administrators and leaders in charge and, simultaneously, to prevent them from being elected to strangers "independent" for lack of quorum.
other hand, those who were dissatisfied, also would like to prevent that - for lack of quorum - were the "independent" to come to power and, at the same time try to send me their nominations.
In essence that is, whether voters who identify with the majority that those who recognize themselves in the minority, with the certainty that in the absence of a quorum, they would lose the election, would all be encouraged to vote.
They then add the votes of all the undecided between one or the other camp, who would choose the "independents" and the votes of all those who would choose them instead for a reason.
Another significant aid to achieving a high participation in elections, would certainly be given by electronic voting, which it is hoped by the time enforcement, including dramatically reduce card fraud and void.

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If any publisher was willing to print and sell the articles published here (and collected on the website: http://, individually, in newspapers or magazines, or in a book, which could have the title eg: "The saltapicchi: each jump a suggestion other than"
is kindly requested to write to the following address:

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A new water sport

could be realized with races similar to those of rowing, both in the number of rowers that distance, but on boats of any type and form as long as one or more wheels driven by one or more blades , driven by the legs and / or arms.
This would be a fun sport and it would also unleash spectacular inventiveness and imagination of the builders and naval architects who could indulge in models of each material, shape of each and every principle and mechanism of transmission of muscle strength to / e / Wheel and truck / i.
The novelty and the rewards would be sufficient to enable a significant development of such water resources and therefore a substantial economic ride.
For the launch, would be sufficient to organize a race by other means and supplied to the television at appropriate times.

Monday, June 2, 2003

Wedding Welcome Bag Note Sample

Blood Pressure

Everyone should regularly check your blood pressure because it is a very important indicator to test the functionality of the vascular system and therefore for the health of the whole organism.
Control then not only should be repeated periodically, but should also be done in a workmanlike manner, namely:
- doing the arithmetic mean of three measurements with approximately 100 seconds;
- by making measurements at the same time and after checking (with various tests done at different times on the same day and several days) at what time the pressure is the highest of the day;
- sitting for at least 5 minutes, in calm and peaceful and loosening the tourniquet around the arm after each measurement;
- checking occasionally that there are significant differences (always indicative of vascular problems) between one limb and the other, considering the lower ones.
Persons careful and aware of any important change in blood pressure, may suggest the cause and so provide a good indication to correct or change their behavior and lifestyle.
With more frequent checks is even possible to identify foods, beverages, drugs, the effort or the stress that caused sudden changes of pressure and are therefore harmful to the body.
Everything we do, we suffer or we eat, it directly reflects on our physical and mental condition and therefore on our blood pressure which thus becomes a very meaningful and useful indicator to detect and correct errors, facts or suffered others.
The problem is that blood pressure is so sensitive to our conditions, which also records and feel the slightest emotion that comes in its measurement, up altering the values \u200b\u200bin same proportion to the intensity of emotion, intensity also varies in the same subject, from moment to moment, day by day, and absolutely unpredictable and unquantifiable.
It follows that it is almost impossible to have true values, even when using those electronic devices that automatically measure and record the pressure at predetermined intervals over a period of 12 hours or more.
This is because all current measuring instruments are based on inflation of a band or string tightly around a limb, that inflation is felt easily, and then that puts more or less consciously, in apprehension.
To avoid this change of mood, should be able to measure the pressure without having to resort to any inflating inner tubes and in a completely automatic and unnoticeable.
So, for example, through a sensor sensitive enough to rely solely on contact with skin over the heart, applied through a chest strap for an hour and able to perform and record the measurements or the measurements automatically, and inavvertitatamente each time a different number of minutes after application.
This will finally be able to have the actual values \u200b\u200bof blood pressure.
This result would be of great importance, and because many do not know how to measure or measure the pressure well, and because apprehension caused by the offsets are always important, but also very different from subject to subject and, as mentioned, in the same subject, from day to day. A silent and imperceptible
automatic, it would be the ideal solution for an examination of great clinical relevance, we hope that some manufacturer will begin as soon as the production and sale. He would do a roaring trade, among others.

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Software for health

E 'now proven that our physical and mental health depends primarily on our diet and that the lack or excess of certain foods definitely cause damage and / or diseases or less serious, as there are countless more or less serious incompatibility between food, pharmaceuticals and pesticides, little known even by most doctors.
the other hand, science and related supplements that are constantly evolving and the information that we receive every day from all media, are so many that it became very difficult to navigate, select the most reliable and useful, and above all they are real, that is properly followed.
Yet it would be very important to know how our health food in the manner suited to our organization and our needs, perhaps for certain malfunctions or rebalancing to cure certain diseases or conditions, without resorting to drugs of chemical origin, but also help - if necessary - with natural ones.
To achieve this would certainly need professional help and personal and this is the big problem, mainly economic in nature because the specialists are able to do so are few and very expensive.
The solution may come from the alliance of medicine with computers.
a program should be able to indicate which foods to take, such as reducing, such as delete, if so, what supplements to add and in what quantities and methods, all based on personal, physical and psychic, with a set of Recent tests and analysis and a thorough medical history, including any conditions in place and its treatment followed.
In this way, carefully filling out the appropriate forms and attaching the results of tests required, anyone could get, just after the time required to input all the data on your computer, all the food requirements and additional, more suitable to you, with certainty, especially not to interfere with pharmacological therapies in place, and at a fraction of the cost.
software capable of doing this course should be started and run by the Health Authority and through the close collaboration of medical doctors specializing in various disciplines with specialized feeding and natural remedies and pesticides.
This software could then be sold with great benefit to everyone, but only after approval of the Ministry of Health, which should also care of its continuous monitoring and updating.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Comparision 3ccdvs 3 Cmos

N. 86 - Sick of cruelty

cruelty combined with physical violence we have written shows that it is always shameful action, even when violence is justified.
It 's time should be remembered, however, that cruelty is always atrocious, ferocious, ugly, unacceptable, inexcusable, not only, obviously, when - together with physical violence - even this is unjustifiable but also in all other circumstances of infinite life, other than physical violence, which is also abundantly practiced.
Cruelty can be physical fact by itself, without needing to be linked to violence, such as in many cases of torture. This is the most infamous of all forms of cruelty, even when it is free and an end in itself, but is targeted to obtain information or admissions, real or desired by the torturer.
When the goal is noble, many Machiavellian justify ignoble means of torture, but the problem is that most of the time if abused with impunity.
There should be only safe and proven in the case of nobility of the end of course, limited to mild physical torture certainly free of any permanent consequences and always under supervision and care of a physician.
The mental and psychological torture, if possible, even more cruel and vile and not always absolutely unacceptable.
Unfortunately, wherever they are practiced by everyone, in every circumstance, in every interpersonal relationship unhappy, sick, invelenito.
human wickedness comes too often cruel behavior of this type, a terrible vengeance and foolish.
But even when you hit and hurt feelings, it can be awfully cruel to suffer unnecessarily and irresponsibly in an exaggerated way.
Many do so knowingly, but many others do, however, without realizing it, for sheer lightness colpevolissima, superficiality and indifference to the suffering of others.
Now all these obvious concepts are never processed by educators and, unfortunately, even by parents with their children.
should instead teach and learn to deal with children and young people because, with a good continuing education,
is certainly possible to recover from the most widespread disease among humans: the cruelty.
's not true that it is ineradicable and inescapable.
As already mentioned, is that violence can never be eliminated, but the cruelty certainly could be, at least in large part, if not completely. It would be invaluable
already a success!