Monday, July 14, 2003

Can Germs Live On Chapstick?


The force of gravity holds the physical world we know, but the same force is responsible for ongoing disasters in this world.
Just think of what may combine the famous "hole blacks", and much more in small asteroids.
The Earth has been saved so far mainly by the attraction of Jupiter himself has conveyed to the larger asteroids that could hit and destroy it, but sooner or later a large asteroid could miss the attraction of Jupiter and send in spare our poor planet.
Perhaps this tragic event may be preceded by a shower of small asteroids, still able to reduce to ashes entire regions on Earth.
the current state of knowledge, it is unknown if and when all that 'might happen, but the statistical data tells us that as of now everything' happens, a few years or a few centuries or millennia, but it will happen.
And then, what can we do to defend the survival of humanity?
In fact we are already trying to find out if we can live somewhere nearby planet, eg Mars, but it is still doing nothing to organize the transfer human on the planet chosen.
yet for this recipe it will take a very long time and much use of resources, however much you can say with certainty we're pretty darn late.
E 'by calculating how many ships will be needed to "ferry" on a new "home" all human beings and all inventory and equipment of all kinds needed to organize their survival and starting a new life.
Since, in the future, it will be logically impossible to be able to transfer the entire world population in a reasonable time, you will need to solve the huge problem of who can be "steered" and thus probably saved.
It will first of all an ethical issue, since, although all human beings have the right to life, only a small part of them might be guaranteed according to specific orders of precedence.
Then it will be a very serious problem of public policy because, on the eve of a foreseeable disaster, everyone will want to be the first to leave Earth, and are willing to do anything to succeed.
It will be clear arrangements to ensure at least the selected ones to be saved, unfortunately sacrificing all the others.
will be extremely sad and painful to have to use force to impose this inescapable reality, but there are alternatives.
is why it is essential to begin now to prepare for what will be the largest company of its kind human: his own survival.
We, therefore, the best guess and say that you have found the planet where you can go and that is also able to build
"shuttles" spatial ability to carry a certain number of people and everything necessary for their survival indefinitely.
Now imagine that the impact of hazardous asteroids with the Earth is still quite unpredictable and, therefore, that the people willing to move to the new planet, perhaps to test, are only of the brave volunteers of the wealthy or extravagant.
There are therefore problems of choice or priority in the allocation of places available.
let us assume that the first missions are successful and reach the certainty of living in the new "world."
Now imagine that you start to become real and close to the danger of falling to Earth of large asteroids capable of destroying it in part or completely. All
then take leave and leave for another planet, but of course the few places in the shuttles will be available in very limited compared to the ferocious battles erupt and requests to make sure those few places, with the result that no logic can leave.
This will be the main problem that we will be able to resolve well in advance because, by its resolution will require many and the works and equipment to make highly recommended to start from now.
First need to build on the highest mountains, the fortified town, accessible only from the sky, completely self-sufficient and independent from the rest of the world and where the spacecraft will be set-ferry. The latter should be able to take off and riatterrare by and in the same towns.
military defenses of these towns will be absolutely unbeatable and the far more powerful than any other ground forces and should be able to destroy any attacker, without suffering any damage.
They will then be laid down very strict and clear conditions to be allowed to live and work in these towns and, consequently, automatically, after adequate preparation, the right to embark on the "shuttle", and everything 'when such a request was still modest.
These ships must be built so they can start moving only when they are loaded exactly all the chosen people, the voice also boarding controlled, planned and scheduled well in advance for several trips, and their second, fourth, sixth and so 'way, starting is only possible to Earth in order to avoid to be detained on the planet colonized.
The limited number of inhabitants in each town, their awareness of the impossibility of embarking ahead of schedule and their interest to bring back the "shuttle" as soon as possible, to avoid stupid and unsuccessful battles for the few seats available on every departure.
The spacecraft will then be able, even without a crew, to be given exactly the point of departure, so in anticipation of the danger of destroying the Earth itself was subject, it is predictable that any team would be willing to return. Let us now
the hypothesis that many towns and many "shuttles" to be built and that many trips have been made successfully.
The bulk of the world population but will be 'always on Earth and will try in every way to be accepted in the towns and then in the "shuttle".
defenses deter and prevent any military assault on the citadel, but it will even be able to help gradually to all, until the disaster will not happen, to start.
Computer science, pervasive everywhere, can provide the solution to this problem.
Leaders of towns will always have to democratically determine what will be their successors after their departure, but must also organize the continuous rotation of all the inhabitants of the towns themselves.
They will therefore have all the data of every citizen of the external area of \u200b\u200btheir competence and should be able to communicate with it in an absolutely safe, confidential and unique, that is immune from any interception.
Whenever that will be available places in towns, citizens will be invited in to enjoy all the requirements of the above.
They will be told to board a flight for any airline and will be done so that all the passengers on that flight, are the chosen ones.
Once airborne, the plane will be intercepted by military aircraft of the citadel, which has summoned the passengers, and forced to land in the same.
Passengers will be checked and disembarked while the crew and any abuse will be forced to return to their base with the same aircraft.
This will ensure, as long as possible, the continuous renewal of the inhabitants of towns and passengers of ships.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Leadership Limit On Mount And Blade


A good government should be able to take into account the suggestions and proposals from the citizens it rules.
Now that the Internet has become so 'widespread and so' easy and immediate access, "hear" the opinion of voters on the Web has become extremely important and fruitful.
It is therefore very timely and in tune with the times that the Government had an office with Internet Monitoring functions, that is specifically responsible to find everything on the Net 'which will be valid and useful for good governance.
Who knows how many sites contain some interesting and well used!
For example, modestly, in the small area of \u200b\u200bthis weblog are published periodically are some ideas and observations that are then collected on this site:

Nys Form To Switch Drivers License

Wednesday, July 9, 2003

Top Rated Cruise Lines For 40

It is not possibileee!
It can not be more than government crisis and elections: they are a real calamity, a huge waste of money, time, occasions, civil progress.
should be prohibited by law and, in a crisis, forcing the prime minister in office to allocate the ministries to the various political groupings in mathematical proportion to the votes the last election, the opposition forces by reserving at least 40% of the Ministries more important. The coalition
emergency thus obtained would, indeed, heterogeneous, but certainly always preferable to an early termination of the Legislature.
also the prospect for the majority in crisis having to be forced to share power with the minority and have to agree with it in the government of the country, could well contribute to scatter his perpetual tendency to repeat this national disgrace for every term.
Perhaps our own politicians, the real "tourists" interested in democracy, they could gradually learn to be more serious, more responsible, more cooperative and loyal, especially to have more character and a sense of the state, with lower doses of presumption and a mania for protagonismo.f = "">

Camp Suki Clothier Gown For Rent

Friday, July 4, 2003

Color Meaning Of Shag Bands

While we need manpower not available at home, well, cerchiamola between the children and grandchildren of our countrymen who emigrated, or need for nostalgia, would be happy to return
The idea was launched some time ago, but apparently has not been followed.
yet, especially from the Americas, many who would want to return, if not exactly in their village, at least to their country.
give them this opportunity, it is not only a moral duty, but would also constitute a considerable economic benefit and social view of similarities in ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious, civic, professional or trade.
Certainly it would be necessary that our Foreign Ministry to enable all our embassies and our Consulates in order to properly inform our fellow citizens and give them every support and warranty.
Based on the requests and needs of industrialists and entrepreneurs, we should make available to interested precise lists of jobs available for each city, with details of experience required and economic conditions, social security and logistics offerings.
Once that was collected a sufficient number of applications, the Consulate would invite employers to travel to the same console to make selections, draw up contracts and hand over the tickets.
Thus, the return of the descendants of our countrymen could be perfectly organized and perfectly in tune with the actual reception capacity of the country.
addition to their full integration and easier than can the other non-EU, it would avoid the risk of abandonment after a few years, with the consequent need to repeat the costly die language of training and work.
Another important advantage resulting from their choice over other candidates, would be to avoid the risk of ethnic and racial conflict.
advantage that this should alone convince our leaders to act upon such an immediate immigration policy.