Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cervix Dilation Table

October 31, 2010 The Culture of Public Safety to protect the property - "Caravaggio 1610 2010


What they have in common Caravaggio and the Project "A & V"? The report you read through the lines of this declaration Arch. Gippetto with the association that organized the conference in question WANTED " We believe that the conference and the exhibition - said Gippetto Ludovico, artistic director of Extroart - are due to the acts and Caravaggio in the first place, a moment of redemption for a city, that after the theft of the "Nativity" by the Oratorio di San Lorenzo, has given a new name to add to the sad list of missing works of public use, sandwiched between the FBI ten works of art sought planet's most important. This is an event designed to make a fitting tribute to one of the greatest artists of all time, emphasizing the relationship with Sicily, and at the same time, an opportunity to maintain high attention to the serious problem of theft of objects 'and their illicit art market, which reached a turnover second only to drug trafficking .

038 The project would ensure the protection of heritage education Palermo, created and funded by CC.DD.PP. since December of 2006 lies in an archive, so a change in cultural attitudes will convince "who decides" that "Prevention is better than cure" and that two pounds more, costs for a project that carries out a safety net which can also connect wirelessly to the monumental assets, would be paid off at least ten times during this period the costs related to damage of vandalized.


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