Monday, June 2, 2003

Best Masterbation Lubricant

Software for health

E 'now proven that our physical and mental health depends primarily on our diet and that the lack or excess of certain foods definitely cause damage and / or diseases or less serious, as there are countless more or less serious incompatibility between food, pharmaceuticals and pesticides, little known even by most doctors.
the other hand, science and related supplements that are constantly evolving and the information that we receive every day from all media, are so many that it became very difficult to navigate, select the most reliable and useful, and above all they are real, that is properly followed.
Yet it would be very important to know how our health food in the manner suited to our organization and our needs, perhaps for certain malfunctions or rebalancing to cure certain diseases or conditions, without resorting to drugs of chemical origin, but also help - if necessary - with natural ones.
To achieve this would certainly need professional help and personal and this is the big problem, mainly economic in nature because the specialists are able to do so are few and very expensive.
The solution may come from the alliance of medicine with computers.
a program should be able to indicate which foods to take, such as reducing, such as delete, if so, what supplements to add and in what quantities and methods, all based on personal, physical and psychic, with a set of Recent tests and analysis and a thorough medical history, including any conditions in place and its treatment followed.
In this way, carefully filling out the appropriate forms and attaching the results of tests required, anyone could get, just after the time required to input all the data on your computer, all the food requirements and additional, more suitable to you, with certainty, especially not to interfere with pharmacological therapies in place, and at a fraction of the cost.
software capable of doing this course should be started and run by the Health Authority and through the close collaboration of medical doctors specializing in various disciplines with specialized feeding and natural remedies and pesticides.
This software could then be sold with great benefit to everyone, but only after approval of the Ministry of Health, which should also care of its continuous monitoring and updating.


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