Friday, June 20, 2003

Crazy Gril And High Heel

Clubs and road accidents

If we really wanted to avoid possible traffic accidents caused by young people leaving discos, there is only one valid system: to empower the operators of the premises.
This would establish the principle that the operator of a nightclub that left exit from your local physical conditions in a person can not drive any vehicle, even if the same had not have said, would be held accountable, criminally and civilly, for any accidents or damage to property and persons caused by that customer within six hours after its exit from the room itself.
At the same time, enabling the operator to dance halls to be able to organize in order to avoid being involved in such accidents, should be authorized to take appropriate preventive measures, but which 'should also be required.
Such measures could be for example
- recinsione and key lock of his own parking space, if any, with vigilant allowing the device to transport drivers are found fit to specific examinations made by them.
Collect the keys of the vehicles would not help because it would be too easy to obtain multiple copies of themselves.
- application of special shoes bloccautomezzi not closed to all vehicles in parking lots and their liberation only after the above checks;
- access to local forbidden to all the customers more than three times the positive results of previous inspections and their report for Police ;
- abolishing the local sounds of loud, psychedelic lights, and the prohibition of smoking.
The operator fails to take these measures, should be severely fined, even if it was not yet been sued for accidents caused by its customers.
A law stipulating this, surely soon be able to drastically reduce road accidents.


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