Thursday, June 19, 2003

Hindi Channel Frequency Free

N. 95 - Auto blockade

With the measures adopted today, the Navy and the Financial Police will be able to drastically reduce the illegal invasion from the sea?
Probably not and certainly not enough, despite the great expense of men and means, unless you act very harshly and decisively.
But this is not possible for a civilized country that should protect human life at sea. The only
then that solution could be to use a number of support ships, incrocianti the routes followed by "smugglers", on which the units of the Navy should be transhipped all illegal immigrants intercepted.
These ships support might be provided by old merchant ships, refurbished and upgraded as needed.
The same should be also equipped with a flight deck and two or three large transport helicopters for the Navy.
With these aircraft, all illegal immigrants should be repatriated to their countries of origin, identified with the help of these smugglers were arrested and "pressed" for the purpose.
This system could eventually prevent at least the vast majority of illegal immigrants entering our territorial waters and accelerate at the same time, the return at significantly lower costs than currently.
support vessels may, from time to time, to meet the ships that were intercepted and the immigrants could also help, even with their helicopters, their sighting.
course, in the case of very adverse weather conditions, also support such ships could temporarily move away from the areas most exposed to sea.
The ships used to transport illegal immigrants should be seized, destroyed or recovered and acquired by the state, while their crews would serve a few years forced labor, unpaid, each member of which as a hub, on board the support ships, merchant, and then armed militarized but also with military equipment.


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